Meggan was my college roommate freshman and sophomore year at UCSB and Alexis is her nearly identical looking and acting younger sister :)
These wild sisters came ready to party in true UC Santa Barbara alumni fashion. For days leading up to their visit I drank gallons of water to overly hydrate myself in preparation for the extreme hazing I was about to endure from the Bechtol sisters. I honestly should have started training month's beforehand because both Chad and I could barely keep up. They were our biggest partyers to date and they were damn proud of it. We closed down the local bar one night and proceeded to convince Chad to let all three of us girls ride on the roof of ZBurb. Fully equipped with beers in our hands we made the drive through town yelling at everyone in sight and giving a friendly drunk salute to the local police. On the trek up the hill Chad “accidentally” drove through bushes and trees causing beer spillage and a near laughing attack. While dodging the tree limbs and bushes we decided that it was more important to protect the beer in our hands rather than our own limbs, needless to say we ended up with a few cuts and scraps. What a night, thanks Meg and Lex!!!
In addition to drinking we went on Chino's incredible monkey boat tour. This is Chad and I's favorite tour to date. We cruised around on a boat and saw a crocodile, snake, crabs, tons of birds and most importantly MONKEYS. Meg was in heaven! The best part of this tour was the fact that we all got to have a wild white faced monkey sit on our HEADS. It was crazy!! Some of them were sooooo cute and others were pretty scary looking. The highlight of the tour was when Jeremiah (the pissed off blue eyed American looking monkey) decided to come up behind the monkey that was chilling and eating his banana on my head and take his tail with both his hands and BITE it. Everyone on the boat watched as this happened while I freaked out not knowing what was going on on my head. The monkey tour was awesome and well worth the $25. Look for the tour along with Chiclets Zipline tour on Animal Planet within the next few months (no seriously).
We ended Meg and Alexis's visit with the ever-so-popular zipline tour. Although it makes my crouch hurt I sucked it up and did it again because Meg was so generous to pay my way :). Meg absolutely loved the way she looked in the helmet (see attached photo) and told me she wants me to buy her one and bring it back to the states :). Alexis especially loved the cameraman's famous crouch angle and decided to blow up and frame the crouch shots, sweet :)!!! This is why I love these girls, ha ha!
Thanks Meg and Alexis for bringing out the party girl in me!! We love you girls and had an amazing time with you! Now get your butts to SD soon so we can celebrate my engagement :)!!!
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