For those of you who didn't know, a little thing called procrastination rules my life. Although I have all the time in the world I still find time to procrastinate writing this little blog. I am glad to hear that some of you are still interested in reading about our adventure because some tremendous life altering experiences have taken place in the last five months. Here is a condensed version of our last five months in Costa Rica...
After driving to the southern tip of the Nicoya and taking a ferry across to the central coast of Costa Rica, we headed south to Dominical. Along the way we picked up hitchhiker dude #2. The guy was so drunk and stoned that he fell asleep within 2 minutes of getting in the Burb. He smelled so bad that even Rhino wouldn't sit next to him. After shaking the dude awake he invited us to stay at his house, but we declined due to his extreme odor and slight creepiness. Other than that the drive was phenomenal and our time in Domincal was great aside from the little creature that decided to embed itself into my back. As I got out of the shower Chad noticed what he thought was a new mole on my back. Upon closer inspection he realized it was a freaking TICK, yuck! After a bit of a screaming session, I yelled at Chad to get it off. He pulled the little bugger out and Chad spent the rest of the evening thoroughly examining all of my crevices, LOL!
Following our time in Dominical we headed back north and settled in the cute little fishing/surfing town of Esterillos Oeste. After having a beer at the infamous Lowtide Lounge we were instructed by a local ex-pat to head to Cabinas/Soda Mary to see if they had any rooms available. We were greeted by the friendly ex-Houstonian Brett who gladly welcomed us to what has now become our favorite place in Esterillos. We stayed with Brett for the next week and a half until we were offered a house sitting gig up on Canada hill. We stayed in what is referred to as the penthouse mansion of Esterillos, Fred and Brigette's amazing home for the next month and a half. Within our first ten minutes up at the mansion, Rhino was thrown down three times by Mama Dos the scariest but most loving dog in Esterillos. Within about a day they were boyfriend and girlfriend and Mama Dos would take Rhino out on the town. They would disappear for a few hours at a time and come back with blood on them (and not their own blood). We still to this day have no idea what they do on these little walks they take themselves on. Rhino quickly became the man in town and everyone now knows him and loves him!
During our first month in Esterillos Oeste we quickly learned that it is not popular for people to retire at 25 and move to Costa Rica. Needless to say our best friends are Pat (in her 50s) and Brett (in his 40s). We have come to realize that age really doesn't matter considering Pat is more active and wild than any 25 year olds I know. Thanks to Pat and Brett we have created a life and a ton of incredible memories during our time in Esterillos. Additionally, we have met some truly interesting characters during our stay in Costa Rica, however due to the fact that some are WANTED in the US I will not post any names :)!!!
In early April we moved into what we now call home, Casa Amarillo. For those of you that don't speak Spanish it is a very creative name...Yellow House. As the name implies, the house is yellow! It is up on Canada hill about a block from Fred and Brigette's (or whatever you would call a few houses down a dirt road), with awesome jungle and ocean views. It is equipped with a pool, three bedrooms and awesome outdoor dining :). However, the best part is that it is only a five minute walk down the hill to the beach. Although the occasional flying cockroach or bat will join you in bed, or the water will be shut-off for days at a time forcing you to shower in the pool, or a scorpion will crawl up your leg while you are peeing, it is quite the setup and we wish we never had to leave!
During the last four months we have had the pleasure of hosting 8 different groups of people at Casa Amarillo (a total of 16 people) and returning back to the states (twice for Erin and once for Chad) for two weddings. Our time with each of these groups have been among our most memorable and EXPENSIVE :) times of our trip. In the entries to follow I will briefly describe each visit...
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