Chad and Rhino enjoying our newly purchased hammock on the porch of our amazing two-story bungalow in Rio Nexpa!
Nexpa was a bit interesting with massive pot holes and ravines. We were amazed at how some of those little dumpy cars could make it in and out of town. Chads neanderthal ways were in full effect during our three day stay in Nexpa. He never ceases to impress me with his incredible fishing skills. When the surf blows out he switches gears heads out with his spear gun or fishing pole. Within minutes out to the surf with his rod and reel in hand he came back with a nice little 4 pound Jack Crevalli, quite the battle in the surf with 8lb test. The awesome New Zealand family staying in the bungalow next to us were envious of the catch. They informed us that this particular fish can taste a bit strong if it is not prepared correctly. Needless to say Chad used his culinary expertise and prepared an incredible fish taco feast while I sat back and enjoyed the sunset with a trusty cerveza in hand.
After days of watching Chad surf, Chad decided it was time for me to get on my lovely foam surf board. After a bit of Resistance I agreed to get off my butt and put some of my newly acquired surf knowledge into effect. Rhino joined us out in the waves and embarrassingly caught more waves than I did. As soon as I saw Rhino riding the long board to shore and I had not caught one wave I decided that surfing is not my forte. Annoyed I paddled in and decided that I deserved a cerveza after all that hard work :). I was a bit annoyed and embarrassed at the fact that a dog showed me up in the surf, ugh! Oh well, there's always tomorrow. To all you surfers out there I am envious of your skills because it looks way easier from the shore.
After three days it was difficult to leave Nexpa. We had the perfect set-up in a two story bungalow right on the sand with incredible views and food. Another day in the burb was not too appealing, however if we ever want to make it to Costa Rica we need to continue south. We said our good byes to the Kiwis and the incredible world traveler, Mark. I will buy a beer for the first person to guess the nationality of Mark. It shouldn't be that difficult considering we have met about 200 of them for ever one American so far on this trip. During this stay Chad added, a few things to his list of things to do and buy in his life:
1. Buy a sailboat and sail around the world
2. Learn to kite board
3. Solidified his desire to ride a motorcycle through baja and mainland Mexico
4. Buy a new VW bug from Mexico and sneak it into the US
5. Build a Palapa in his non-existent house
6. Build a Fanta Naranja factory in order to afford his addiction
7. Buy a Sports Mobile (4 wheel drive Van)
And the list goes on...
Erin's List:
1. Open a torillarilla in order to sustain my obsession with fresh corn tortillas!!!
way too many chad / rhino sex jokes for this picture. i dont know where to start.... i'll go with the obvious I guess- doggie style!
Evan you are the only funny one posting on our page. We love it!!! That´s exactly what Chad thought when I posted the picture, I am sure others thought the same thing as you but you were the only on that had the balls to post it :) How are things at home?
everything is great. it was super nice this weekend and got some beach time in! not exactly the caliber of your beach days but it was nice and chad- i was able to get a bumps off of the newport jetties. can you please post another pic of chad face hair progression? i hope it is super ugly. that would make me happy
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